Sunday, 20 January 2013

A man can hope...

Not updated in a while, so here is a quick one. Sadly, we've had a death in the family so writing has not been the top of my agenda, and so updating this blog has taken a bit of a back seat too.

I am up to 15'000 words now though, so I'm getting back into making progress as of this week on book 2. However, by my calculations I will need to be doing around 3'500 words a day in order to get to 50'000 words by end of January (my rough target of book length). I don't think I am going to make my planned target of the first draft done by end of January.

Regardless, it was a nice target to try and hit. Instead I'll aim for first draft complete come end of February. We'll see.

Progress on the printed version of the first book is going better. I submitted a revised manuscript to Createspace with some minor updates and tweaks to the font and pages, so the interior of the book is ready to go. Likewise my wonderful illustrator Mat has submitted updated images for the front cover and spine which is excellent. Now if I can just configure the back-spine-front cover PDF we will be more or less ready. Then all I need to wait on will be the IRS sending me the needed tax code in order to begin printing. Whether the code arrives by the end of the week or not is debatable. But a man can hope!

I've also been working on another short story. This ones theme, 'visit to a stately home' was put on the back burner during Christmas as everyone was a tad busy. Now, with a bit more time, I'm putting the finishing touches to my attempt. I hope to post it up on this blog soon.

Twitter has also been very good, with 1'500 people now following me and lots of fellow authors in the mix. I'm been doing my best to tweet and retweet as often as possible.

So we're still good. In fact if I can avoid playing Halo 4 progress will be even better. As I said, a man can hope...

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