Well, official launch day anyway, as the book has actually been out for the last couple of days.
I had to fiddle with the settings on Kindle for a bit but now, the book is definitely out there on the internets!
Find it HERE
At last. After a year of drafts, proof reading, learning how to write, checking over and preparing, the book is released. I am relieved and happy :).
Now comes the process of putting the word out and getting feedback. I have already had an excellent idea from my friend Angie (thanks Angie :)) for a glossary of terms for the book. So my plan is to work a little on a free download as a complement to the book that explains some of the terms, organisations, races etc mentioned within. It will be a 'living' glossary, meaning it will be updated over time as new ideas come about, so will be constantly updated.
I will also be further updating the various blogs with more background info on the book and my progress on the sequel.
But right now...right now I'm going to take a few days break from writing. Then I shall return, ready to kick off again!
My thanks again to everyone who has supported me in this. Friends, family and co-workers, thank you all for the immense amount of help and encourage. Again, my thanks to my truely epic proof readers and my illustrator Mat. Without you guys, there would be no book.
I hope you all enjoy the book and please, everyone, let me know what you think. Indeed, if your feeling particularly generous why not leave a review on Amazon :-p!
Take care everyone.
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