Wednesday, 13 July 2011

And so it begins

Hello internet.

This Blog is an opportunity for me to bounce ideas off you in regards to the book I'm writing.   In addition, this will be a place to vent frustrations or indicate progress. To complain of writers block or to brag about a particularly good idea I've had. To be somewere to indicate that, yes, I'm actually making progress. However good or bad.

For those who don't know me, or what this is all about, allow me to enlighten you.

I'm writing a Fantasy Novel.

Don't get too excited, as despite that rather grand statement I lack a great many writing skills to put the idea to paper. But I am learning.

I have the plot and I have a whole lot of characters already crafted. The vast background to the World of this Fantasy story is likewise built, providing the bare bones to the tale. Ready to accept the flesh.
But putting flesh to those bones, to make the story a living, breathing thing for people to behold, is the difficulty. I lack the critical abilities of writing dialogue and description to make this work.

I must learn these skills as well as others, if I am to succeed. This Blog will hopefully chronicle my successes, or failures, in this regard.

The first step to correcting the above deficiences is reading two particular books.

The first is Stephen Kings: On Writing. I've just finished the 'biography' part of this book and I'm now getting into the part of actually 'writing'. Direct and to the point, Stephen King's writing on writing has already given me a lot of food for thought.

Quotes such as "let the characters dialogue tell the truth" and "don't overburden the reader with overly detailed descriptions" have struck a cord already and made me take a good look at what I've already put down on paper and, shall we say, correct it.

The second book, is oddly, the second book in the 'Song of Ice and Fire' series by George R R Martin.  Yes, 'Clash of Kings' is the other book being read in my spare time.  I had previously finished reading Mr Martins first Masterpiece, 'Game of Thrones' (finished just before the TV Series aired) so I now have Clash of Kings and the rest of the series to complete reading.  Afterall, if your going to learn, learn from the best.

Exceptional and unique characters, a vast rich world and fantastic detail.  All qualities i hope to introduce to my own attempt.

This is not to say that these are the only books i've taken inspiration or schooling from.  I've likewise read a great deal of Terry Pratchett's novels ('Night Watch' and 'Feet of Clay' being particular favourites), as well as the wonderfully titled 'How to be a writer' (makes sense) and 'How to get Published'.  I think i can safely leave it up to you to figure why i read them.

Anyway, thats the introductions out of the way.  Over the next few months, stay tuned for updates as I craft this thing.  Characters, places, items and plot.  All will appear on here one by one.

Lets hope they make sense.

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