Bit late
with this, but it’s still the first month of the new year. Happy New Year all!
As usual,
remember, Alyssa can be purchased at HERE
and at HERE
So, a lot
has been happening in the last few months.
With book 1
out and launched, I spent most of the last few months of 2021 pitching Alyssa
and hoping for sales. I did indeed get
sales but not as many as I had hoped.
Still, I learned a lot.
All of
January I ran a series of Amazon free book deals for all 3 of my other books. I
likewise advertised on Facebook and A LOT on Twitter.
The results
were mixed.
On the one
hand, I sold over 200 ebooks (as in they were picked up free.) And also a few
people downloaded my books on kindle unlimited, reading well over 500 pages. Additionally, my work on Twitter raised my
follower count to nearly 4400. And this
time, not all of them were other authors!
But so far
I’ve only seen 1 ebook purchased and no copies of Alyssa seem to have sold yet.
I had hoped that purchases of the other books would in turn make people curious
about book 1. Still learning experience.
I intend to
use February to concentrate solely on pitching Alyssa, but also, I hope to
write book 5.
Yes, book 5
is officially being written! I have a
new idea on an old story plan and am now modifying and improving it. A couple of thousand words already.
If I can
maintain momentum, I hope to release it sometime toward the end of 2022 but I will
see how things go.
Anyway, that’s
my brief blog update.
Take care
all of you.