Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Keep on writing!

Another long wait between blog posts I know, but things have been proceeding ‘apace’ as they say.  I am immensely enjoying married life and Debs and I have been making plans on moving house in the spring of 2015.

Writing wise, I have written over 40,000 words for Haldred Chronicles: Shade.  That’s a good, proper milestone achieved and the count is still growing at a respectable pace.  Major scenes are fully written and what’s needed now is the branching scenes and some extra descriptions here and there.  I’m happy with the way things have been coming together.

I’ve also been inspired recently with a few more ideas for further Haldred Chronicles books.  These did distract me a bit from my work on Shade but I’ve successfully taken note of them for future reference so not so bad.

The ideas bring the total number of Haldred Chronicles sequel stories to 23.  Yeah, didn’t see that coming.  Am pleased though as it shows that my subconscious is taking an active interest in the idea; it will keep me encouraged.

As well as this I’ve been having additional random story ideas.  These have ranged from 4 ideas I’ve had for additional Horus Heresy novels (a series of books based on the Warhammer 40k game by Games-Workshop and published by Black Library), 2 more Haldred Chronicles spin-offs, as well as a completely random idea spawned from a dream I had.  That particular dream consisted of giant bugs attacking the earth; unoriginal perhaps but still cool.

So the writing is going well, and I’m hoping to be sending my proof readers something soon.  If I can just knuckle down and finish things then Shade will be released November 2014 as planned.  Until next time!