Friday, 27 September 2013

Updating my internet profile!

The last week has been a whirlwind of activity.  Mostly to improve my internet profile :).

To start with, I am now officially registered on LinkedIn as an Author.  I have also taken the time to register with a few groups on LinkedIn as well which is already bearing fruit.  A lot of very good bloggers are on the network site, so I’m already learning a lot from fellow writers.

Next update, the good people at have registered me as an official author!  This fantastic website lists thousands of books and details on the authors, as well as customer reviews.  As such I have made sure that Alyssa and Kalla are both listed, along with info about myself.  As with LinkedIn I have registered with a few groups and blogs.  You can find Goodreads at the link below.

Finally, I made sure to update my author central pages on both and  They now have proper Bio’s and links set up.  You can find them at the links below.

I’ve been active on a lot of other sites and forums too but I’m taking my time with things, getting used to interactions and posting.

I also hope to blog a bit more often in the next while, and not just with book updates.  Should hopefully offer a more varied reading experience!  We'll see how it goes.

Till the next update everyone.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Plans within plans...

It’s been over twenty days since the release of the second book in my fantasy detective series ‘Haldred Chronicles’.  I am very happy with the response.

So far, I have two five-star reviews on Amazon for ‘Haldred Chronicles: Kalla’, which is just fantastic.  As well as this lots of people are now reading the second book and thoroughly enjoying.  Likewise, I have seen a further uptake on book one so the ‘cascade’ effect is taking shape.  I hope this continues.

Here’s the link on Amazon for book two, if anyone is feeling very kind and wishes to purchase or even better, review!

Looking to the future now, I hope to start ‘official’ work on ‘Tales of Larrick City’ very soon.  My original intention was to leave Haldred Chronicles writing for about a month, then start into it again, but I have found myself already writing little scenes here and there.  That and I’ve been writing other stories as well.

One of which you can catch over at the Aeronautica ‘Airspace’ forum ( 

I warn you, this one is written in haste and not as well polished as my published work but I hope you enjoy.  As before (from last year), it is a companion to the wargaming campaign currently ongoing over at the forum, and is of a different style to that found in Haldred Chronicles.

Other plans afoot are more work on the various websites and networks that I am now part of.  The likes of Authonomy (, The Indie Writers Network ( and the Kindle Boards (  I hope to take a more active part in these internet sites over the next while, as well as many others.  This should increase exposure for the books (and the insanity of them of course!)

The ultimate objective is to be published by an official company.  As such, my other big project for the next few months is to prepare a basic synopsis and detailed synopsis for submission to publishers.  The intention is to write them up for both books and so I have a good variety to send on.

So I’ve lots going on and I hope you will all continue to enjoy the fruits of my labour.  Thanks again to everyone for there fantastic support and encouragement over the last while.  Thank you all of you.

Until next time, lots more to come!

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Lots of updates!

Well it has been a whirlwind of activity here so I have lots to update you all on!

First, those who have been visiting the blog should notice a bit of a facelift.  With the assistance of the fantastic photography of Ricky Parker I now have proper background images and a better layout.  I hope people will find the blog more interesting and easier to read now.  For those viewing this update on one of the other blog sites ( or ) the link for the main site is below.

Secondly, the Facebook page has had a massive update, namely the photographs from the launch party of the 31st August 2013! 

It took place at the ‘Cabin’ Hall at Windsor Baptist Church, Belfast, and was very well attended.  There, I had an author interview with the fantastic Vic and then a dramatic reading from the Haldred Chronicles: Kalla performed by Vic (playing Victoria), Joanne (playing Gretna), Carson (playing Malak) and Hayley (playing Katy).  All of whom did an exception job of bringing the Haldred Chronicles to life.  The night was rounded off with a free raffle that included a signed copy of a Haldred Chronicles poster!  Everyone had a fantastic time.

You can see some of the photographs of the event at the below link:

Thirdly, my twitter account has had a facelift as well, again due to Ricky’s excellent photos.  To keep up with my random musings, check out the link below.  Of particular note is the new photo of me!

For anyone interested in Ricky the photographer, please visit his site below.  He does exceptional work, I hope you’ll agree.

All that remains is to remind people that all of the above crazy-ness is due to the release of my latest book, Haldred Chronicles: Kalla.  Available for both the Kindle and Kobo books!  Check out the links below for the UK edition

Thanks again everyone, hope you all enjoy