Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year Story Extract

Something for you all to muse over. For those who have read the book this will give you something to consider. For those who haven't I hope it wets your appetite. Happy New Year everyone, see you all in 2013!

The Council of Peace: One year on...

Do you remember where you were when peace broke out? I do. Middle of Castle Square, Larrick city, selling this very newsletter you now hold in your hand. Well, obviously not this particular one, it was actually issue thirty four thirty three if I recall correctly.

I also remember where I was when the formation of the Council of Peace was announced, a day later. A vast organisation charged with maintaining the peace. That wasn't odd; in fact I commented to my fellow writers in the Broken Dreams Happy Warrior tavern that day that in my humble opinion it was a very good idea. What was odd was the fact the organisation seemed to just appear overnight. Almost out of thin air Council of Peace compounds sprung up across the country and beyond. In every nations major towns and cities.

Maintaining the peace by whatever means necessary, so goes their unofficial motto. But who are they? And what have they accomplished now a year after the World Wide Peace Agreement?

We'll start with who are they, despite the fact this is actually a very hard question to answer. They have recruited people and races from all across the land; Magra merchants, Argon investigators, Orc enforcers, Bearkin Berserkers Dwarfen builders...I could go on. Everyone is represented in some way or another and by canny recruitment the right people seem to be in the right jobs; for the most part anyway. They are managed by a so called Grand Council but apart from a name and obvious 'in charge' status noone seems to know who they are, including many of their employee's. Really, we can't answer who they are as they seem to be, well, everyone. Prehapes that’s the point? Represent everyone so you can never be accused of being biased. Clever.

What have they accomplished? That's a little easier to answer. The peace, despite the many logical explanations against it, has held. Argon has not invaded the Trima heartlands, again. Magra has ceased its raiding. Even the Darnhun have been quiet apart from their growing mercenary trade that thankfully, operates mostly beyond our shores (and beyond our sight and mind). The peace has held. Some of that might not be the Council of Peace's doing. Not to take away from them but after fifty years, the Six Nations War had drained pretty much everyone and whilst I can't talk with absolutely authority, I strongly suspect that the leaders of each of the nations were weary of war. All they needed was an excuse to stop. The World Wide Peace Agreement was that excuse. The Council of Peace was more of an icing on the cake than the cake itself.

So lets get to the big question. Do we still need a Council of Peace to keep watch over us?

One year maybe isn't enough time to answer that question with any accuracy. That plus we really don't know a lot about what the Council of Peace actually do. They have a News Department to keep Truth Seekers such as myself informed of activates that maintain the peace but these only report so much and often report activates long since completed. It is hard to measure, with the information available, just how effective they are in making sure we don't slide back into the abyss of total war.

This Truth Seeker isn't against them. At the same time, neither do I support them. I find myself quietly opportunistic that they are doing a good job, whilst a tiny voice in the back of my head is asking 'what are they really up to?'.

Time will tell I'm sure. Sooner or later, it always does.

Article from the Newsletter 'Larrick City Opinions' dated 31st of the 12 month, 1AW (After War), 1432 (Old Calender)

Monday, 24 December 2012

Happy Christmas!

Its Christmas eve and just enough time for a quick update before the celebrations begin.

At last, my Infinity the game Paradiso Fan fiction competition entry has been posted up (so I now no longer need to keep repeating its long-winded title). Find it here:

Its the one entitled 'Friendly Fire' by Vedalslayer (me!).

I'll be honest, I'm up against some very good writers on the forum so competition is tough. However, you as reader will reap the rewards. You're in for a treat whether you know the background to the Infinity gaming system or not. A lot of very good stories have appeared already and more are on the way. Look for the 'poll' posts.

I've been doing a lot of work on the new novel already; up to 4500 words now. If I can keep up this momentum after Christmas I should definitely be able to hit my target of Draft 1 completed by the end of January. The ideas are coming thick and fast. I've already written a nice interrogation scene that I'm very happy with and the characters are fighting for screen time. I intend to make sure they all get their moment to shine.

The first novel is still getting very good reviews. On Amazon, it's had 4 x 5 Star rated reviews which his just fantastic. For anyone reading this who did a review, thank you so much. I know many friends have also pledged to review the book when they finish it, please do guys! Its a fantastic encouragement and makes a big difference when people a searching for books to read on Kindle.

Anyways, to everyone reading this blog, a very happy Christmas to you all. I hope it goes well (and is stress free!). Take care everyone.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Plenty on the go

In the build up to 2013, things have been going very well.

Soon the Infinity the Game Paradiso writing competition entries will be appearing on the relevant forum. My own entry awaits proof reading as before but I'm happy with it and once my proof reader gets back to me I'll formally post it up. I think people will like, its the same kind of style as the novel (sticking with what I know).

Also got a new short story challenge to tackle entitled 'Visit to a stately home'. This rather broad category was chosen by myself. Might be a bit too broad but we'll have a go. Keeps the creative mind pondering...stuff.

Likewise, work on the second novel is going nice and steady, working my way up to 3000 words already and its not even January yet! I still intend to set the end of January 2013 as the deadline for the second novel, first draft to be completed. I think its a good idea to impose on myself a deadline like this; keep me motivated to complete things in a timely manner.

I hit something of a milestone recently as I had my first purchase from America. Nice to see the novel appearing internationally now. Thanks again Jane!

Got my first review as well. My thanks to Simon, really glad you enjoyed the book.

Twitter account links are going well too. I now have almost 1000 followers on Twitter, the majority fellow writers of the indie community and jolly nice people they are too. I'm not convinced I'm selling many books via Twitter but it is allowing me to get better integrated with the indie author community and forge good links with some very helpful people.

Regards the popularity of the book, its all going to be down to word of mouth. Fortunately, said word of mouth has been very good indeed and lots of friends and colleagues have been sharing tales of the book. Indeed I'm reliably informed the book was the subject of much talk during works Christmas party. To everyone who has been sharing news of the book, thank you so much for the encouragement and continued support. It has spurred me on to get the next one done as soon as.

Now I just need to make sure to have the books paperback edition completed. This and the first draft of the next novel should be done by the end of January 2013. The Createspace process seems straight forward enough considering I already have the manuscript and front cover sorted. Just need a back cover and spine completed and we are good to go.

So its busy busy busy, but the right and enjoyable kind of busy. Plenty of writing to be done and I’m still very much enjoying the experience.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Onward to victory!

Well I'm stuck indoors due to possible protests and being on call in work. Sucks. However, it does give me time to update the blog again with new blocks of news.

First up, I finally finished my Infinity the game Paradiso fan fiction story and have sent off to my designated proof reader on the Infinity community forums. Hopefully, with only a few more modifications, it shall be ready for posting on the forums at the allotted time. Once posted I shall happily post up a link on the blogs so you guys can all take a look and let us know what you think.

Secondly, the 'Ashkelon Rising' Aeronautica 40k fan fiction is also at last concluded. Find it at this forum post on the Aeronautica Airspace forum.

The story is a bit rough round the edges at times but it was often written in haste and very experimental. I hope regardless you all will enjoy, whether a 40K fan or not. Its got plenty of comedy, action and mystery. Just like the novel!

Third, novel comments continue to flood in. Thank you again to everyone who has been commenting it's really encouraging to hear such positive feedback. It's stirred me toward getting the next book sorted quick as!

Indeed, speaking of which, fourthly, the new book! The current working title is Haldred Chronicles: Kalla; the first draft has already passed 1500 words. My original plan had been to set myself a deadline of completing the first draft throughout the month of January and give myself a rest in December. However, I had so many ideas in my head I had to write them down so I've kicked things off early and am already hammering away at the sequel.

One should also note that a sequel was already written technically (mentioned in previously blog posts) with 20'000 words put on paper. However, reviewing this sequel it soon became clear that it was likely to be a bit too big once complete. I am keen to write bigger books for the series, with more characters and more complex plots, but not just yet. I want to establish a good, solid series of novels before branching into larger sequels or spin-offs.

Thus, this sequel will be a proper one to the first book, and the original sequel idea has been shelved and will form the basis of a much bigger story in the future. This is no bad thing as right now I have another 16 different story ideas for both new books in the current series and a variety of odd spin-off's; everything from mercenary groups to sports (I kid you not!).

So there you have it, plenty still going on and keeping me going. I hope everyone continues to enjoy the novel. Just as a correction from the previous blog.

My UK Author page on Amazon is below:

My previous UK author page link was wrong. Sorry.

Also, links to the novel itself

For UK customers:

And for anyone from the USA who's interested

Take care everyone

Thursday, 6 December 2012

The to do list has become shorter...

Its been a very busy day at work so I am taking it easy tonight, but a blog update seems in order now after launch day. Much has been happening.

Lots of people have bought the book, and even better, they like it! Getting a lot of positive comments and suggestions which is really fantastic. Thank you so much to those who have been commenting, its been really encouraging and has spurred me on in my writing of the sequel.

In turn, I've been making progress with advertising the book.

I have registered with Amazon Authors Central on both the ( and (

I have also registered my blog site ( as a Amazon Associate site and put a link up for the book there too. Please go look!

The Facebook page ( has been very useful as well for getting the word out, particularly amongst friends. I'm able to update it on a more regular basis than the blogs and I have been posting up images from the novel to help get the word out. The Council of Peace symbol in particular looks very well (nicely done Mat!). The plan for the future is still to post up more background information on aspects of the novel such as organisations and weapons. Just to further flesh out the story beyond the first novel.

Added to this the list of twitter followers continues to grow (follow me at @jgwritesnovels :-D) and I'm starting to get to know more of the indie authors. They are a very nice bunch of people and I'm trying to make more of an effort to 'retweet' their book advertisements.

The Infinity the game 'Paradiso' writing competition entry has proceeded a pace. Now in draft 2 the story is looking very solid. Just under 3000 words long and i'm enjoying writing this sci-fi story as a little side project to Haldred Chronicles.

So, like the title says, the to-do list has shortened. But then, it is a big to-do list.

I still have to sort the publishing of the paperback book via Amazon createspace (still hoping to sort in January 2013) and I also need to get more reviewers to review the book and post up on the book review sites. Plenty of objectives still to sort.

In the meantime, if you guys did like the book please let Amazon know by posting up a review on (link to the book is HERE). It would really help with getting the word out.

Thanks again for taking the time to read the blog guys, I know this one was very wordy. Haldred Chronicles is a big undertaking but I'm really enjoying writing it. The future is definitely bright :).